Workplace Services
'Stress, depression or anxiety accounted for the majority of days lost due to work-related ill health in 2021/22 with 17 million days.’
You are already aware of the impact stress can have on your employees, their productivity and in turn, your business.
Tackle this with a re:treat Relaxation Day, hosted by Kathryn McIntosh, Complementary Therapist.
Using techniques proven to relax the mind and body, including massage, aromatherapy and reflexology, your employees’ mental and physical health can benefit. While all treatments will allow a break from work to re-energise, there is the added benefit of improving ailments aggravated at work, including shoulder, neck and lower back pain common among many workers.
re:treat has 10 years experience providing workplace services to clients including KCA Deutag, Castlehill Housing Association, Bibby Offshore and John Lewis.
Individual 20 min treatments - £35
The company can chose to subsidise if desired. A minimum of six appointments must be made prior to the visit.
To discuss a suitable package for your company, please contact re:treat on the details below.